
DISCLAIMER: All stagweber kits and parts are sold on the following conditions.  By fitting or using any product you agree to be bound by this disclaimer.

The parts supplied have been carefully chosen to ensure good performance and reliability, however, the seller cannot accept any liability in the unlikely event of the failure of any component for any loss, breach, damage (whether direct, consequential, general or special) or expense of any nature whatsoever which may be caused directly or indirectly through fitting of, use of, or reliance upon these parts/kits by any person. I (the customer) accept total responsibility for the safe fitting of the parts according to and following to the letter, the instructions provided by the seller.  Due to the differing conditions and circumstances under which parts or kits are installed and used, customers are not relying on the skill or judgement of the supplier to select or furnish the proper part or equipment for their particular needs. The customer expressly affirms they are relying upon their own skill and judgement to select and purchase suitable goods.

I (the customer) have read, understood and agree to the terms of business.  I (the customer) understand all of the above and agree to purchase these parts/kit on the above terms.